

Ruby Findley

Owning my own little Etsy shop, I understand the importance of advertising, I also understand that it can be costly. So, here is my attempt to help you advertise {any boutique/Etsy shop/online store/any store really}.

Send me anything that gives an essence of your shop. I will model this said item, with a full highlight on your shop and why I love it {don’t worry, I am easily impressed, so I will find lots to love :)}. Also, anyone that I advertise for, will have a spot for a button on both my home page, and on the “friends” page, to help generate support for your shop, even after I have done a feature piece on it.

Second option: Giveaways. These are great to generate views to your shop as part of winning the giveaway will be to check out your shop and find their favorite item.

I hope these ideas can help you advertise, for a not so hefty price. If you have more ideas on how I can help you advertise, please feel free to email me at