
Sunday, January 9, 2011

It's The Little Things

I had been moaning and groaning about how hard the last couple of days has been, between having to carry everything in the airport, including Link because he can't carry over 25 lbs since his appendectomy to feeling sorry for myself because of all the people that they wanted to check at the airport, they chose MY bag while I was juggling everything (and was the bag that took me an hour to pack in order to puzzle piece everything in). In the middle of still feeling sorry for myself, I jumped in the shower after church and realized how grateful I am for the little things. Like warm water, so I can just wash away all the stress from the last couple of days. Or my beautiful son, who has developed quite an attitude, but had plumber's crack today and thought it was hilarious. Or how he was shaking his groove thing yesterday while we all played the Kinect dance game at my friends. Or that same wonderful friend who sensed my stress from a mile away and so fed us last night, and is now feeding us again today so that we don't have to stress about no food in the house after vacation.

Yeah, I have lots to be grateful for, sometimes it just takes a little break away from the chaos to put things in perspective :)

Also, I am grateful for a husband who recognized how hard it was through the airport and has told me over and over how awesome I am that I could do that, and who unpacked almost everything while I was at church with the little man. I would say I am pretty blessed, so thanks warm shower for reminding me of all that I should be grateful for :)


  1. I know how you feel...when everything is yucky and dreary, nothing calms me down like a hot shower! Take care of yourself girlie...and you look super cute and comfy in that maxi dress!

  2. i think this is my favorite thing i have seen you put together. love all the colors and styles!
    and the airport is my hell on earth.
