
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Thai and Jaws

Well, I had a fabulous Valentine's Day. Matt surprised me by getting a babysitter and taking me out to our favorite Thai restaurant. We even got crazy and got our favorite appetizer there. They are these amazing spring rolls, with an even more amazing sauce to dip them in. It was perfect. Then we came home and Matt let me pick the movie to snuggle to. I chose Jaws. I can only handle so much "mushy mushy" for one day, so I ended it with some bloody limbs. Did you know that Jaws was written based off of a true story about a rogue shark in the 50's in New Jersey? Matt and I watched a documentary on it (mmm, yes we are documentary lovers. Super senior of us), anyway, it was really good.

After dressing up yesterday (which I forgot to take a picture of, o'well), I decided a sweatshirt was in order today. So how did I make a sweatshirt work for daywear, without looking like pajamas? Easy, just added some wedges and a layer of shiny/pearly bracelets :)

{sweatshirt: Walmart, capris: thrifted R21, wedges: an asian boutique, bracelets and watch: handmade}

Definitely not the only way to wear a sweatshirt without looking like pajamas, but it worked well for me today :) Now I am comfy, but still feel cute. 


  1. Such great color blocking! This looks so comfy n casual yet still unique and stylish. Great job!

  2. Thank you! I love sweet comments, they keep me going!

  3. You make absolutely everything look cute!

  4. You look so comfy chic! I've got a pair of pants similar to your capris. I love wearing them!
    I've never watched Jaws!

  5. Awww, you HAVE to go back and take a pic of your V Day outfit!!! It was AWESOME!!! I love your style, Ruby,you're amazing!!
