
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Tomboy Meets Classic Audrey

Ok, so remember how yesterday I was talked about being stressed with hospital bills that kept showing up for Matt's appendectomy? Well, I have to take some time to say thanks to the man upstairs because we just kept praying that things would work out because we literally could not make it with these bills. Then the very next day we find out about some mula that we didn't know was coming, plus a new side job for me, and voila!

The Lord does work in mysterious ways, and i'm thankful it worked out. I don't believe on coincidences, not anymore :) They just happen too often after prayer :)

Ok, now on to fashion!

I have to say, I felt very tomboy with the blazer and boat shoes, but then I felt very classic when I paired them up with my neck warmer (thanks Lori!!) and high waisted pants rolled up at the bottom. Either way, I really liked this outfit and felt very confident in it.

From a quick glance it looked like I was pulling a Michael Jackson here, but I assure you, I am grabbing the blazer!

{blazer: dress barn, pants and sweater: thrifted, shoes: payless (thanks mom!), neck warmer: homemade gift}

So, all-in-all, a great day today {even if the weather is still poopy} and now I am off to sort out some word documents for my new job:)

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