
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

{Trends} Geometric Patterns

I have noticed a large shift toward bold geometric patterns with the upcoming fashions. From shirts, to dresses, to jewelry. It all seems to be just a little bolder and brighter than before. But don't start getting worried that the 80's are coming back, because we are NOT talking neon bright.

That's the beauty of the styles the last couple of years. They have been taking the best from different era's and then combing them all into great walking art.

Here is an example of an outfit fit for spring, with a geometric pattern dress:

And if that is not enough to get you excited about geometric shapes here are some examples of GREAT ideas:




And for those who might want to start out with just a little flavor of BOLD, jewelry:

So when you are out looking around, or better yet, thrifting, keep an eye out for great geometric patterned pieces. You won't regret it :) And if it has a great pattern, but the shape is a little sketchy: grab it, send in a pic, and I will make a great DIY to spice it up!

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