
Friday, December 17, 2010

I Just Cannot Wait!

I am getting really excited about seeing family in just 2 days! It will be sad to leave my besties out here in Oklahoma, though, because they will finally have break time to spend with me, but I will be gone. At least I will have about a week in January before they go back. I am trying to pack in all my girl time before we leave so this week has been a little crazy busy...Ok, A LOT crazy busy, but definitely a lot of fun. I love girl time, and last night we spent talking and drinking "Mocktails" (you know, virgin cocktails) and it was a blast, and then I think we are seeing Burlesque on Saturday. All these fun things. Breaks are the best! What fun things do you like to do with your girlies?

You know me, I like to mix colors and it doesn't matter if it is against the rules. This is a gray and black jacket, but my accessories today were brown belt and brown boots. Also, you can try something fun with your jeans by folding them up so the tops show over your boots. 

(Jacket: thrifted Maurices, Sweater dress: Ross, Pants: Kohls, Belt: thrifted, Boots: Ross)

I will miss you guys over the weekend, but I have allotted this time "packing and girlies" time before I leave but I will see you Monday! This will give you time to check out the Holiday Fashions that I have posted, and the tab is at the top of the page. Have a GREAT weekend!


  1. I love, love, love your blog lady!! The ladies in our ward here are going to do a modesty lesson and I suggested your blog as inspiration...because I LOVE IT!! Miss your guts...and all that encompass them!! ;)

  2. that jacket is saweet. nice big buttons. oh, and i love the fact that you shamelessly mix brown and black. rebel. awesome.

  3. Awww, thanks guys! Thanks Kamilicious, that makes my day!!
