
Monday, December 20, 2010

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow

We made it to Utah just in time! We got here last night and then woke up to a winter wonderland this morning. I don't know what it is, but in Oklahoma, I want it to stay warm, but here, I want snow and lots of it! And I got my wish :) Link is a little unsure about the cold, but I think he is going to be a snow lover like his mom. Mostly I am just excited to snowboard while I am here. Mountains, I have missed you so.

Also, we went to lunch today and while we were there I saw my friend Heather (actually, she saw me first), and it made my day. We made plans to watch out music videos that we made while we were in Middle School. Pretty much they are fabulous. I can't wait to laugh my bum off at them. And who knows? Maybe we will do a sequel?

Ok, so fashion tip today. Not really a tip, more like explaining my process of thinking today. I got this new shirt from my mamasita for our Christmas outfit (she buys us girls all a Christmas outfit still :) It pretty much makes my day) and I can't help but wear new clothes right when I get them. Well the shirt came with this adorable black belt which is great, but I did not pack black shoes that do well in the snow (poor planning on my part) so what was a girl to do? Well, I put on my brown boots and then tied it together with a brown jacket. Thus making black belt with brown shoes socially acceptable. 

Snow is for playing, which might be why I love it so much. 

Now, because my outfit did not have a lot of color, I added the color to my lips. This is a good tip for those who might be a little nervous about bright lip color. I like to add it when I am wearing neutrals. That way it feels more casual, and not so WOWZA. And pretty much I love this lip color that I found in a clearance bin for $1. Oh yeah, bargain shopper baby. 

Cute shirt right? Yeah, mom usually does a great job. Get excited for all sorts of new backdrops at my family's casa. All right, see ya tomorrow!

p.s. Miss you Sassy dog. I keep thinking I see you wandering the house, but then realize you aren't with us anymore. Love you girl, and we will see you on the other side my sweet puppy. 

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE it!!! You look fab and I miss you tons!!! I am so glad you are having fun tho! Love ya!!
