
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I Know Thrifty Thursday is Tomorrow

I just can't help it! Link and I went for an adventure today to the thrift store. Ok, really I dragged him along, but he was a great sport and even ended up getting some treasures of his own (a Sooner jersey! SOOO darling on him). Usually I have the best luck in the shoes and dresses department, but today I decided to stop by the pants and see what goodies I could find. This is when the magic happened. Seriously!

Ahhh! Can we say favorite find ever?! (geeze, can you tell I am excited?). I have been wanting pants like this for a while so it was like Christmas finding them for just 2 bucks. Yes, you heard right, 2 Dollars :)

{cardigan: Thrifted, shirt: Walmart, pants: Thrifted, belt: Thrifted, shoes: Thrifted, bracelets: Made them}

Not only was I excited, but Matt actually told me that he loves them. Double bonus, friends because I wasn't quite sure how he would react to pants that could possibly have transported themselves from the 80's. 

Don't worry, I still have a thrifty Thursday planned for tomorrow, I just couldn't help but wear these pants today. (Like I said, Christmas). And I am going to share some secrets about how to thrift for yourselves :)


  1. I am floored by your find. I mean, speechless. They're gorgeous! I think I need to thrift a but more often to improve my odds.

    Coffee and Inspiration

  2. Thank you for appreciating this awesome find! I was seriously surprised that I found these awesome pants just sitting there in my size. I think it was fate :)

  3. Loving the cardi - wish I was good at finding such thrifty stuff. I gave you 2 Blog Awards here:
