
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Winter In Oklahoma

I just have to say that I enjoy Oklahoma winter much more than I did Utah's. Yes, it was fun up at the cabin, or snowboarding, but when I am not doing those things I like it to be a crisp, but sunny winter. Crisp meaning, "just have to throw on a light jacket". Not, "I can't touch my nose because my frozen nose hairs will poke me and it will hurt".

Today was one of the really nice sunny days where I didn't even need a jacket. Link and I love those days because we go to the park where he loves to go down the slide. He climbs right up to the top of the slide, turns his body around like he is going down stairs, and then just lets go and slides down backwards on his tummy with a HUGE grin on his face. Then he waddles back to the steps, climbs up and does it all over again. It is my new favorite thing that we do together.

Did you notice my new neck warmer? My sweet other mom (Manda's mom) made this for me. I know, talented right? She always amazes me with how amazing she is at anything I have ever seen her do. I love this warmer though, and I don't let the warm weather stop me from wearing it, I just wear it more like a shawl, or scarf :)

(neckwarmer: Gift from Lori, Shirt: Made it, Pants: altered abercrombie thrifted, shoes: Thrifted)


  1. Cute cute pants...I love the color! And especially with those heels!...We were blessed with a surprisingly warm day today and I am just psyched about it!

  2. LOVE those red pants. And I know what you mean about the warmth, rode with the windows down and LOVED it.

  3. I love the simplicity in this outfit. The red pants and neckwarmer make it interesting but unassuming at the same time. Love!

    Coffee and Inspiration

  4. love the red pants. don't love the fact that i'm living a utah winter and my nose hairs are leaving bloody scars across my hands...or something like that. :)
