Tuesday, October 26, 2010

"Talk to me Goose"

I hope everyone got that Top Gun reference! It only makes sense to use it since today I am talking about the aviator leather jacket :) I cannot pretend that this jacket is one of the things that I pulled out of the closet with dust on it because it is the jacket I probably wear the most. This is the jacket that makes me pray for cold weather just so I can wear it!

The thing is, my friend recently re-addicted me to Smallville and I have spent the last 2 months catching up on the seasons I have missed. And as I was catching up on season 9 Lois wears the cutest outfit and it reminded me of an aviator and I loved it!!

So this is my inspiration for this blog post! Isn't it so cute?! Ok, well I think it is and so I created my own version of the outfit:

A loose fitting shirt underneath my aviator leather jacket, zipped up and topped off with a great scarf! Ta-da! So easy. And just one more way for me to wear my favorite leather jacket :)